Start off by meeting at the Gleann Dubhlinn Hydro Scheme (HS3 3HP) for a tour and a talk about the hydro. Then its off to Talla na Mara for refreshments and a talk about the Wind turbine and the Trust in general.
From Tarbert, Take the main road out of Tarbert heading south up the caw. follow that road for approximately 9 miles. You will cross over a single track causeway. The road to the hydro, highlighted below in red, is just on your left.
From Leverburgh, Take the main road out of Leverburgh heading north via the west coast. follow the road for approximately 11 miles. You will reach a causeway that bends to the left. just before the causeway is the road to the Hydro on your right hand site.
***Please note, the road surface to the Hydro is quite rough so please take care when traveling on the road.